Josephine Graf Live in Your Head: Notes on Win McCarthy, Texte Zur Kunst  August 2019
Barbara T. Smith at Andrew Kreps, Frieze  February 2018
Critic's Guide: New York, Frieze  November 2017
Nicola L. at SculptureCenter, Frieze  October 2017
In Vitro, Bodega November 2017  
Contingencies: Arte Povera and After, Luxembourg & Dayan  October 2017  
Exhibition as Image (Conversation with Piper Marshall), The Exhibitionist  September 2017  
Dena Yago: Boring Down, CURA.#25  Summer 2017  
Pooh Kaye: Object Actions 1975-1980, Shoot the Lobster  May 2017  
Andra Ursuta's (Anti-)Monumental Impulse, X-TRA  Winter 2016  
Ajay Kurian at 47 Canal, Frieze  October 2016  
Connected, Divided, Spun: Aki Sasamoto’s Rotational Logic, SculptureCenter, exhibition text  Fall 2016  
Panelist, Mirror Cells: A Salon, Whitney Museum  Fall 2016  
Eric Veit, Quarter, Rear Window, exhibition text  Fall 2016  
Night Thoughts, CCS Hessel Museum at Bard College  April 2016  
Dark Offices of Reverie: Romanticism in the Work of Josef Strau, M.A. Thesis  Spring 2016  
Interview with Jessi Reaves, Mousse #52  February 2016  
Gordon Hall at Temple Contemporary, The Brooklyn Rail  February 2016  
Towards the Theory of a Unified Hole, Bodega, exhibition text  October 2015  
Anicka Yi: 6,070, 430K of Digital Spit, The Brooklyn Rail  July-Aug 2015  
Lands' End, The Brooklyn Rail  March 2015  
Changing Table, Kate Werble Gallery  June 2014  
Josephine Graf